Silun Zhang


Silun Zhang

Post Doctoral Fellow

Silun Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, in 2019, and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Automation from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2011 and 2013, respectively. His research interests include nonlinear control theory, multi-agent systems, attitude control and modeling large-scale systems.

One of the problems Silun studies is the formation control for multiple reduced attitudes, which are extensively utilized in many pointing applications and under-actuated scenarios for attitude maneuvers. In contrast to most existing methodologies on the formation control, the proposed method does not need to contain any formation errors in the protocol. Instead, the constructed formation is attributed to geometric properties of the configuration space and the designed connection topology. This type of formation control is referred to as Intrinsic Formation Control (IFC).

Another problem Silun studies in his research is the Moment-based methodology to modeling and analyzing collective behavior of a group of particles. The theory is applicable for a wide range of applications, such as multi-agent systems with interactions as well as with leaders and/or control input, and the use of this framework can considerably reduce the computational burden for controlling and analyzing such systems. We therefore propose to develop and use this theory for the multi-agent applications such as crowd dynamics, opinion dynamics and other macroscopic problems.

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