
The Presentations library features a collection of talks given by Prof. Dahleh in the format of videos and slides from major conferences and other selected sources.

  • 2020
    October 5

    Data Auctions with Externalities

    Location: Digital Futures Online Conference

    The design of data markets has gained in importance as firms increasingly use predictions from machine learning models to make their operations more effective, yet need to externally acquire the necessary training data to fit such models.

  • 2020
    September 26

    Foresight: Science for Navigating Critical Transitions

    Location: Saudi Arabia 2020 Science Summit

    Minute 92' for Prof. Dahleh's talk. Note, as a first-time user you will need to register to use the ON24 platform and watch the talk.

  • 2020
    April 24

    Inching Back to Normal after COVID-19 Lockdown: Quantification of Interventions

    Location: IEEE -CSS Italy Online Workshop

    IEEE-CSS Italy Workshop on Modeling and Control of the COVID-19 Outbreak Keynote - Inching Back to Normal after COVID-19 Lockdown: Quantification of Interventions Munther A. Dahleh, Representing IDSS-COVID-19 Collaboration Group (ISOLAT)

  • 2018
    October 29

    A Market Place for Data: An Algorithmic Solution

    Location: Princeton Day of Optimization

    How do we think about data as currency and a marketplace for that data?

  • 2018
    February 7

    Networks of Systems and Society

    Location: WEP 2018

    The financial crisis of 2008 is just one example of the fragility and systemic risks present in complex interconnected systems. Learn about the field of research that seeks to understand and mitigate systemic risk in this keynote with Dr. Munther Dahleh.

  • 2018
    January 24

    Interview on Social Networks

    Location: WEP 2018

    A live, interactive interview and Q&A session with Dr. Munther Dahleh, expert in preventing systemic risks.

  • 2016
    November 21

    Measuring Failure and Systemic Risks

    Location: MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP)

    Professor Dahleh shares about his work in identifying and analyzing a variety of systems, how that work enables the ability to monitor and predict a cascade of ideas or failure in those systems, and how to measure that.

  • 2016
    September 22

    Launch of IDSS

    Location: MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Launch Event

    The Future of Voting - The role of technology in voting has gained increasing prominence over the past decade, creating interdisciplinary collaborations between political, computer, and data scientists. This session looks at the complexity of voting, the usability of computing technologies in designing future voting systems, and how data is playing a role in understanding and predicting voting patterns and the outcome of elections.- Moderator: Professor Charles Stewart, MIT- Keynote: Nate Silver, Professor Michael Alvarez, Caltech- Kassia DeVorsey, Chief Analytics Officer, Messina Group - Analytics

  • 2012
    August 24

    Resilience of Dynamical Transportation Networks

    Location: ICINCO and SIMULTECH 2012

    In this talk, we present recent results on the stability and robustness properties of transportation networks for various agents' route-choice behavior.